Monday, June 10, 2013

Captain's Log Stardate 31161.2

Just over a week to go before we are moved to Space dock. All systems seem to be on line for now and the recruiting campaign is going well despite all the snags we have encountered.
Going over all the sections I have noticed some work stations need to be addressed before the Commodores Visit tomorrow at 1500 hours, but all in all everything looks fine and our inspection should go well as long as the Commodore is in good spirits.
This is going to be a busy week for sure.

End Transmission...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Captain's Log Stardate 31155.3

It is with a saddened heart that I must report that on Saturday June 1st, 2013 at 11:45PM both Ensign Vannesa Jones and Ensign Mark Misiak were lost in a fatal car accident during a violent storm in the Texas area.

Ensign Misiak past away at the scene before help could arrive after losing control of the vehicle he was driving during the evening storm and flipping out of control on a Texas highway.

Ensign Jones past away Sunday evening, after succumbing to her injuries suffered by the fatal accident.

We should remember both these brave souls as they journey on to the great beyond, and we should not mourn their loss but celebrate the lives they lived.

From all the Crew of the Nosferatu we salute and say goodbye to two of our own.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Captain's Log Stardate 31152.7

The AC on the bridge has now been restored and all seems to be running well at this point. Breaking in a new ship is somewhat like breaking a new horse, it may throw you a few times before you can get a comfortable ride.
I was just informed by the Commodore Jason Niles will be promoted to lieutenant and made Chief Medical Officer, and I am sure he will do just fine with this.
We still need a lot of staff before we officially launch but I am confident it will happen. It has been a long road to get our new home up and running but in the end it will be worth it.

End Transmission...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Captain's log Stardate 31145.7

The air conditioning on the bridge is still out and is not expected to be repaired for another three days as the engineering department has to wait on parts. Temperatures on the bridge reach 98 degrees at times and makes it very difficult to get any work done.
Commander T'Lali will be doing a radio interview tonight on between 1800 and 2000 hours and will be discussing everything from recruiting to the community work we do.
The main terminals seem to be operational for the moment as we prepare for an inspection from the Commodore.
I hope this heat breaks soon...

End Transmission.......

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Captain's Log Stardate 31142.4

It seems the main computer terminals are back online for the moment. We will know better after we have had a chance to break them in again. It just seems that everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Tomorrow should prove to be an interesting day.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Captain's Log Stardate 31137.6

The best part of waking up is replicated coffee in your cup. Having spent time with our chief engineer he was able to get the Replicators on the bridge deck working fine, now all we have to do is get the computer terminals itself working and things will be somewhat in order and ready for our launch.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Captain's Log Stardate 31135.3

The ships computer system seems to be in shambles and we haven't even pulled out of drydock yet. One month to go and she (the Nosferatu) goes to space dock for the final touches of her assembly  then one month from that our shakedown cruise. It is looking like Ensign Niles is going to work out nicely in sickbay, he seems to be taking initiative and is asking for more work, the Commodore is very pleased with that.
Lieutenant Chambers will be moving up to Lieutenant Commander, Chief of Engineering by next month and is doing an exemplary job for our ship and should make full Commander in no time.
We still have a lot of work to do and a short time to get there, but with luck and a strong crew I think we will make it.

-End Log-

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Captain's Log Stardate 31128.3

The Commodore has come up with a new idea and it is a big one, he would like to see the Nosferatu branch out by making our individual departments in other countries, such as Japan would be Science, the UK would be Engineering and so on. Each department would get their own dedicated website and would be responsible for recruiting for their own department in their own country.
It is up to the Command staff of the Nosferatu to organize this and somehow make it work.
It looks like, we on the bridge will have our work cut out for us over the next few months.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Captain's Log Stardate 31123.6

I am sad to report that as of 1550 hours on Stardate 31123.6 we have lost a crew member.

As sometimes happens, life got in the way and she could no longer be a part of the Nosferatu crew.

We say goodbye to Lieutenant JG T'Sol and wish her a well journey on her path to finding her way.

On an up note we gained two new members of the crew today Medical Officer Ensign JG Niles and Operations Officer Ensign JG Jones. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Captains Log Stardate 31122.5

The crew of the Nosferatu will be doing an event for 80s in the park in Brevard, Florida. We will be featured in our own area and will be doing pictures, fund raising, and recruiting to promote the Trekkie Nation and our club. This event will be a uniformed event, so if you own a uniform of any kind (Star Trek related) you are a step ahead. We need people to either volunteer or sign up as crew members to help us with this event. 
If you or someone you know is in the Florida area and would like to get involved please contact us HERE or sign up for a membership HERE. It's free and it is fun, so why wait.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Captains Log Stardate 31121.4

On completion of my walk through of the newly refitted Nosferatu I am pleased to report that the ship looks to be in good standing and should be ready to launch on schedule. The Commodore seems to be very pleased with the state of things for the exception of our crew, we still need more bridge Officers to make our launch date.
With that being said, we need to try and find a way to up our game and get more recruits on board. It looks like it's back to basics for recruiting.
I can't wait to get launched and begin our new missions, I hear Starfleet has big plans for the Nosferatu now that we have had a refit.

End Log...

Monday, April 29, 2013

Captain's Log Supplemental...

Cosplaysky has just announced they will be teaming up with the Nosferatu as the official uniform supplier of our ship with a 12% discount on all Starfleet uniforms.
All crew are encouraged to take advantage of this great partnership.

Captains Log Stardate 31119.2

Lieutenant Chambers seems very confident on the projects the Commodore has set for him. He is to build a working ST TOS Communicator and a working TWOK Phaser.
I am anxious to see the finished results of these projects, if all goes well, who knows what will be next.
In the meantime I am working on a deal to get us discounted uniforms for our crew through

End Log...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Captains Log Stardate 31118.1

  Recruiting crew for the Nosferatu has been exhausting at best. It seems everyone wants to be involved but few will actually take the time to enlist. One of my newest crew members has been a blessing in disguise  when asked to do something he just jumps right in with both feet no questions asked. Why can't all our members take from his example?

  I have been to many other websites trying to recruit but to no avail. What has happened to the social aspect of man? Has it changed because of the advent of online social media or have we just become so paranoid in this world we find it difficult actually make contact with another human being?

  My recruiting campaign will move forward as scheduled as we have a launch date of  June 20th 2013. I am confident that I will have a full crew at that time.

End Log...